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Hollie Heikkinen and iPSE-U.S.

Unite to Enforce Social Impact Initiatives for the Independent Workforce

Detroit-based founder creates a voice for independent contract workers

iPSE-U.S., a not-for-profit organization, and Hollie Heikkinen, a native Detroiter, with an extensive background in both insurance, benefits and and start-ups form a strategic partnership for Independent Worker advocacy initiatives. The partnership will focus on social impact and public-private partnerships that support portable benefit development and advocate for America’s Independent Workers.

According to recent research, nearly 40% of the U.S. workforce will engage in independent work by 2023, an increase of 2.6% over the next four years[1]. The partnership hopes to promote Independent Worker rights for all Americans who choose alternative work arrangements. The modern labor workforce has dramatically shifted over the years, leaving gaps in insurance and benefit compensation packages that are typically provided by traditional employment-based organizations.

iPSE-U.S. and iWorker Innovations hope to solve this problem by using advanced technologies that deliver portable benefit bundles and services.

Hollie Heikkinen, Founder of iPSE-U.S., commented: “iPSE has many goals, but of the utmost important, it's to strengthen the U.S. economic competitiveness for America’s 50 million+ Independent Workers lacking fundamental benefits and the support that full-time employees have come to expect.”

Carl Camden, Founder and President of iPSE-U.S., The Association of Independent Workers, commented: “We will curate and develop memberships featuring content and services to inspire both social synergy for individuals and to impact organizations through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).”

About iPSE-U.S.

iPSE-U.S., the Association of Independent Workers, honors the tens of millions of Independent Workers, Contractors, Consultants, Freelancers, Self-Employed, Gig Workers, and Small Business Owners in America who choose to fearlessly structure their work around their lives. iPSE-U.S. supports these workers with a political voice, industry insights, portable benefit structure and an ecosystem of like-minded independent professionals.

America’s Independent Workers should be celebrated for their contribution to our nation. They embody the principles and values of our country’s Declaration of Independence by truly representing what it means to be free.

Join us in celebrating America’s first annual National Independent Worker Day on August 16th, as we, iPSE-U.S., continue to advocate for policy reform on behalf of America’s Independent Workforce.

For more information:

iPSE Contact:

MBO Partners, Inc(2018).The State of Independence in America 2018: The New Normal(Vol.8, Rep.), 15.

SOURCE: IPSE-U.S.-Yahoo Finances

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