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Modern Work Magazine
Modern Work is America's only magazine dedicated solely to Independent Work and the workers who are shaping it. With topics spanning business, lifestyle, advocacy, and policy, it's an inspiring mix of articles covering everything related to self-employment.
Modern Work Magazine
Be Your Own Boss
Marketing Yourself
Sales and marketing are core functions in any business – independent businesses are no different. It is important to represent yourself well, learn to talk naturally about what you do, and continue to identify new opportunities..
The Winning Combination to Success
Life itself can be challenging and filled with disappointment.
How to get your clients to pay their invoices in full & on time
When you’re finally finished with a project, you’re ready to collect the final payment. But some clients never want to pay their invoices.
Independent Workforce Safety
Despite the benefits of working independently, I.W.'s face unique risks and dangers completely different from their W2 counterparts.
Engineers and the Gig Economy
The emergence and growth of the gig economy in which independent workers in a variety of professions are engaged by clients for projects.
Can I Get Health Insurance If I'm Self Employed?
As a self-employed person, you may be wondering what kind of health insurance plan you should look for.
Small Business Saturday and Self-Employed Sunday
How many times have you heard that small businesses are the “backbone of the American economy”?
How To Search For A Job During The Holidays
If your list of New Year’s resolutions begins with, “Start an awesome new job,” then now is the time to step up your job search.
How to Make Extra Money for the Holidays with a Seasonal Job
The holidays are always a great time to earn extra money with a seasonal job. This year, seasonal workers are in particularly high demand.
Veterans Reentering The Workforce
Veterans Reentering The Workforce
What would happen if AB 5 was passed nationwide?
What would happen if AB 5 was passed nationwide? The answer - trillions of dollars would be implicated.
Frequently Asked Questions on AB 5
Following the passage of AB 5, many California companies will no longer be able to classify workers as independent contractors.
Leverage social media to find a job
Let’s face it: A job search today looks very different compared to 10 years ago. Of course, there are still aggregate job sites — like...
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